Smart Project for Smarter Cities
Project description
This project aims at developing capacities in the field of smart city development and related project, and related programs for the Municipality of Tirana staff working on strategic projects. Urban Innovation Vienna, Smart City Agency’s expertise in the field will be shared by providing a critical comparison with Smart City process and projects in Vienna. We aim to strengthen its structures, to integrate international standards in all areas of public policies. This peer-to-peer approach and transfer of know-how would be a successful tool in gaining practical knowledge. In this way, the targeted staff will be efficiently supported to acknowledge best practices, municipal approaches, methods, etc. The staff works on these concepts in its every day activities, and this is a way to fill the gap and to address the real needs on governance and innovation management; digitization and digital agenda; communication, participation and social inclusion and sustainability.
Objectives and results
1. To Enable participants to better assess numerous Smart City ideas and optional project initiatives by applying a practical and simple marketing assessment tool;
2. To improve the knowledge on Smart City Concept, and the related international benchmarks, in order to be focused on this concept during project finding, partner finding in the future;
3. To improve the selection and design of innovative programs and projects, in order to provide more inclusive incentives, raising the interest of multiple stakeholders in Tirana, in applying for funds, working together with CSOs or agencies and (international) partners in the field.
- An increased interest in Smart City projects, and Innovation to be implemented in the city of Tirana, due to increased writing skills and successful project ideas.
- An increase in the number of Start Up Ideas financed by the Municipality of Tirana, due to the improvement of the Program.
- Transferring new approaches and methods, ready to be integrated in Tirana Smart City Strategy, regarding Vienna experience with its Smart City Strategy, since 2011.
- Increase funding in the field of developing Smart City and related projects, regarding Smart City Main Pillars.
Implemented activities
Activity 1: Mapping and prioritisation of relevant stakeholders;
Activity 2: Grouping relevant stakeholders and creating schedule for workshops;
Activity 3: Adjusting and mutual agreement on specific workshop agenda (topics, questions, moderation);
Activity 4: Logistical and content preparation;
Activity 5: Workshop implementation and Information collection, discussion (January or February 2020);
Activity 6: Information analysis by experts and summarizing working paper by partner;
Activity 7: Drafting Status Review Document for the Smart City process based on information collected at workshops;
Activity 8: Delivering Status Review Document for the Smart City process to all participants of workshops, for comments;
Activity 9: Presenting and submission of the Status Review Document.
Available materials
Project Abstract Smart Tirana
Workshop slides SMART CITY VIENNA
Further information and contact
Nikolaus Summer, Urban Innovation Vienna