Elaboration of NALAS European Integration Roadmap

Name Elaboration of NALAS European Integration Roadmap
Country The whole region
Programme Component LOGON
Year 2015
Priority Theme EU Integrations
Topic EU Integrations
Implementing Organisations KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research
Partner Organisations NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities from South-East Europe)
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Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin

Elaboration of NALAS European Integration Roadmap

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Objectives and results

The BACID programme supported NALAS in defining the activities to be implemented in the field of the European Integration, in line with its Strategic Plan 2013-2017 and identified role at the European Level. NALAS has a big potential through exchange of various experiences and comparative analysis, however, there is also a challenge to tackle different needs of its members: different status in the European integration processes.
The NALAS EI Roadmap supports efficient use of EU funds, avoidance of the overlapping and systematic dissemination of available knowledge and best practices.

Implemented activities

1. First Workshop of NALAS EU Project Managers' Network, Apil 20-21, 2015, Vienna
2. Second Workshop of NALAS EU Project Managers' Network, June 24-25, 2015, Vienna
3. Draft NALAS EI Roadmap elaborated, commented by the Network members and adopted by the NALAS Committee of Liaison Officers, October 2, 2015, Zagreb

Available materials

Further information and contact

Milena Garthley
Program Officer
email. mailto:garthley@nalas.eu
tel. +389 2 3090818

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