Connecting Republic of Srpska agriculture to Austria and establish a Marketing and Export Centre in Banja Luka
Objectives and results
During 2-two day training, participants will develop new necessary skills for branding, marketing and export products, networking with Austrian trade and production companies, idea-making for new products in the health and wellness area, and also various alternative sources such as know how in food law, and how to develop Export Strategy (marketing plan) for Austrian and other EU markets. This document will help local produces and MEC to export products in Austria in the most efficient way.
The action will result in new product ideas, marketing strategies and know how in European food law.
Consultant will explore Austrian market for local producers, and make connections for MEC with potential buyers/ distributors/and commercial agents in Austria.
Implemented activities
A1. Identification of at least 6 local agri-food producers/companies who are interested in product export to Austria
A2. Organization 2 - two days workshops for know-how transfer knowledge to at least 6 local agri-food producers/companies and MEC staff, how to search and identify clients, distributes, commercial agents in Austria
A3. Make connections between MEC and at least 6 local agri-food produces/companies
A4. Conduct market research for local agri-food produces/companies and MEC in Austria
A5. Develop Marketing Export Strategy/Plan for local agri-food producers and MEC
A6. Connect at least 6 local agri-food produces and MEC with min. 6 potential buyers, distributers, and commercial agents in Austria
A7. Establishment of Platform for marketing of commodities
Available materials
Further information and contact
Mag.a Martina Fellner