Bijeljina becomes a Great Place to Live – supported by the Agenda 2030

Name Bijeljina becomes a Great Place to Live – supported by the Agenda 2030
Country Bosnia and Hercegovina - Republic of Srpska
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 1 (2018)
Year 2019
Priority Theme Sustainable Development Goals"Sustainable Development Goals" is not in the list (EU Integrations, Sustainable City, Smart City, Inclusive City, Quality Management, Public Administration Reform, Digitalisation, Decentralisation) of allowed values for the "Priority Theme" property.
Topic Economic and social development
Implementing Organisations pulswerk gmbH
Partner Organisations City of Bijeljina, City Administration
[ See Social Media Post]
Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin

Bijeljina becomes a Great Place to Live – supported by the Agenda 2030

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Project description

The city of Bijeljina faces the challenge of brain drain of young adults after their studies. To encounter this brain drain, we work together with young citizens on their ideas of their city and on how to encourage them to stay in Bijeljina and to live from their work. Supported by the application of the Agenda 2030 we develop together concrete ideas and involve decision makers of the city government to make chosen ideas reality. Bijeljina will become a Great Place to Live.



Objectives and results

The objective is to come to conclusions based on a developed set of ideas on how to encourage young people to stay in Bijeljina and live from their work. Supported by the application of the Agenda 2030 Bijeljina will become a Great Place to Live.

Results of the project are

  • Conclusions on two to five ideas for making Bijeljina a Great Place to Live which might be realised by the city on a short/medium/long term perspective.
  • These ideas will be chosen out of a set of ideas which will be developed together with the target groups (young people), experts (from the city government/administration, consultancy by project applicant) and the NGOs, by using the Agenda 2030 (above all the SDGs we focus on) as a tool.
  • “Side-effect” results: (1) network of young persons who are interested in shaping and designing their city with their ideas and (2) better knowledge of the city government about the ideas and needs of young people.

Implemented activities

Act. 1: Analysis and description of the status quo; map of challenges in Bijeljina and measures taken in Austrian cities and in Bijeljina to tackle similar challenges
Act. 2: Development of method on how to use Agenda 2030 as the main tool for ideation in workshop-settings
Act. 3: Workshops with young people from Bijeljina
Act. 4: Collection and selection of the results of the workshops
Act. 5: SWOT analysis on selected ideas and specification of funding possibilities together with representatives of the target groups (young people), experts (from the city government/administration, consultancy by project applicant) and the NGOs. To realize the chosen idea(s) the project team will apply for funding.

Available materials

Workshop Documentation: Summary
Students Survey: Presentation
Project ideas and funding possibilities: Final Documentation

Further information and contact

Nadia Prauhart

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