Nurturing social enterprises in active labour market policies framework for inclusive local growth in Macedonia

Name Nurturing social enterprises in active labour market policies framework for inclusive local growth in Macedonia
Country North Macedonia
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 4 (2016)
Year 2016
Priority Theme Inclusive City
Topic Inclusive City - Disadvantaged groups
Implementing Organisations European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
Partner Organisations PUBLIC - Association for Research, Communications and Development
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Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin
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Objectives and results

The objectives of the action:
1) To investigate and compare fruitful frameworks for social enterprises in Macedonia within the frames of the existing active labour market programmes across the European Union to build a strong pillar for development of social entrepreneurship in Macedonia;
2) To transfer know-how about design and implementation of support measures for the development of social entrepreneurship between Macedonian partners and the European Centre;
3) To jointly propose a set of policy tools based on international practice that can enhance the capacity of regions and municipalities to support social enterprises for inclusion of disadvantaged groups.

Expected results:
1. A written report co-authored by PUBLIC and complemented by expertise of European Centre, with a strong policy focus;
2. Increased capacity of PUBLIC to influence labour market policies which target socially disadvantaged groups in Macedonia;
3. Know-how transfer between an established think tank and PUBLIC in the area of social entrepreneurship and active labour market policy frameworks.

Implemented activities

Activity 1: Review of existing relevant research and good practice about active labour market policies and employment of disadvantaged groups in social enterprises in Macedonia (implemented by PUBLIC)
Activity 2: Elaboration of the findings of the primary research conducted by PUBLIC in the project "Challenges and opportunities for employment of marginalized groups by social enterprises" (implemented by PUBLIC)
Activity 3: Review of international good practice and available frameworks for inclusion of disadvantaged groups through social entreprises at the local level (implemented by European Centre)
Activity 4: Virtual coordinative meetings and mentoring via Skype and email communication (implemented by PUBLIC and European Centre to exchange feedback and share knowledge)
Activity 5: Preparation of a joined report entitled "Nurturing social enterprises in active labour market policies framework for inclusive local growth in Macedonia" (implemented by PUBLIC, with comments from European Centre)
Activity 6: Dissemination of findings via networks listed above (implemented by PUBLIC).

Available materials

Further information and contact

Judith Schreiber
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research

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