CAF - State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia - DKSK

Name CAF - State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia - DKSK
Country North Macedonia
Programme Component Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC) of ReSPA
Year 2023
Priority Theme Quality Management
Topic CAF - Common Assessment Framework
Implementing Organisations DKSK - State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia
Partner Organisations ReSPA - Regional School of Public Administration
See Social Media Post
Last update 29. 2. 2024 by Calzola

CAF - State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia - DKSK

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About the organisation

The State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC), formed by the Assembly of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, provides the principles for: legality, integrity, equality, public, protection and accountability. The SCPC performs matters relating to the application of trademarks and activities to prevent corruption in the exercise of power, public powers, official duty and policy, measures and activities to prevent conflicts of interest, measures and activities to prevent corruption in the exercise of public interest work of legal persons related to the exercise of public powers. Concretely, these are some of the activities it conducts: anti-corruptions checks on laws, bylaws and other general acts; monitors the legality of financing political parties; monitor the legality of election campaign financing; acts in cases of conflict of interest; verify the data of statements of property status and interests; co-operates with national bodies of other countries as well as with international organisations in the field of prevention of corruption; prepare analyses of corruption risks in different sectors; undertakes activities to strengthen personal and institutional integrity and so on. The State Commission is composed of the President and six members, who appoint the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for a period of five years. The Secretariat established 4 sectors and two independent departments employing 48 administrative officers (December 2022).



Objectives and results

The State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia decided to implement the Common Assessment Framework CAF. This is the second implementation of the CAF model in the SCPC, with the aim of continuously improving the quality of the institution's overall work by:

  • Introducing quality management processes in State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia
  • Identifying strengths, areas for improvement and measures to improve the SCPC
  • Improving the organization as a whole.

Implemented activities

So far, the following activities were set up to implement the CAF program in the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia:

  • CAF Training – December 12th, 2022 (the CAF project started in 2022 funded by EC Grant. It continued within the BACID III framework in 2023)
  • CAF Consensus Workshop – March 9th – 10th, 2023
  • CAF Improvement Action Plan Workshop – April 25th, 2023

Based on the agreed CAF Improvement Plan, the improvement activities (5 CAF Packages) will be implemented by 2024, under the supervision of the CAF Project Coordinators of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia, Biljana Vrazalska-Batinic: and Martina Todorovska:

Further information and contact

Philip Parzer:

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